mtlben: @cmhobbs I can relate to that. This kind of network effect sucks.
@cmhobbs I can relate to that. This kind of network effect sucks.
View Articlecmhobbs: I've managed to get around it for the most part. The only thing that...
I've managed to get around it for the most part. The only thing that dredged it up is my fraternity's use of the platform. Now that I'm in an office, it's just more visible. I don't regret having an...
View Articlecmhobbs: They do appear to be pushing to innovate... or buy up other...
They do appear to be pushing to innovate... or buy up other companies who have innovated. Such is life in the tech business world.
View Articlecmhobbs: @mcnalu beyond that, I've considered setting up a diaspora pod or...
@mcnalu beyond that, I've considered setting up a diaspora pod or something for the Arkansas lodges. One of our national appendant bodies has their own social network so it may be measured with some...
View Articlewindigo: @cmhobbs I've also had issues expressing my problems with those...
@cmhobbs I've also had issues expressing my problems with those companies/services. I think "FLOSS is better" is the best I can do.
View Articlewindigo: @cmhobbs It seems like highlighting issues with Apple, Facebook and...
@cmhobbs It seems like highlighting issues with Apple, Facebook and LinkedIn just aggravates people who like those services, so I avoid it.
View Articleballeyne: @cmhobbs I offer different explanations depending on context, but...
@cmhobbs I offer different explanations depending on context, but generally, I avoid services that don't respect my privacy or freedom
View Articlecmhobbs: I suppose it's all opinion. If I say FLOSS is better, they'll ask...
I suppose it's all opinion. If I say FLOSS is better, they'll ask why. When I tell the merits, I get 'that looks old', or 'my friends don't use it', or 'I don't like it.'
View Articleinscius: @mcnalu A policy of not using FB. That is great. But rare, i think.
@mcnalu A policy of not using FB. That is great. But rare, i think.
View Articlemcnalu: @inscius sadly it is rare; like @cmhobbs I'm disadvantaged in my...
@inscius sadly it is rare; like @cmhobbs I'm disadvantaged in my local community because I'm not a facebooker
View Articlekevie: @inscius @mcnalu thankfully the Western Isles Council has the same...
@inscius @mcnalu thankfully the Western Isles Council has the same policy \o/
View Articlelnxw48: @cmhobbs @inscius @mcnalu @kevie This is the first time I’ve felt...
@cmhobbs@inscius@mcnalu@kevie This is the first time I’ve felt fortunate that $EMPLOYER only allow events to be stored in their own Outlook/Exchange calendar.
View Articlelnxw48: @cmhobbs @inscius @mcnalu @kevie ... family & friends sometimes try...
@cmhobbs@inscius@mcnalu@kevie ... family & friends sometimes try to push me to use #Facebook (or #LinkedIn or #Google or #Microsoft for scheduling, but I am out of town often enough...
View Articleinscius: @lnxw48 That is good. Too many seem to rely on "the cloud". Which...
@lnxw48 That is good. Too many seem to rely on "the cloud". Which usually means someone else's cloud.
View Articlejonkulp: @lnxw48 @cmhobbs @inscius @mcnalu @kevie our university uses...
@lnxw48 @cmhobbs @inscius @mcnalu @kevie our university uses #Zimbra, which is open-source and has excellent scheduling capabilities, but the adoption rate for the calendar part of the program across...
View Articlewindigo: @cmhobbs Indeed, but I think raising awareness is worth it. If they...
@cmhobbs Indeed, but I think raising awareness is worth it. If they only follow their friends, you can't change their mind anyhow. :(
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